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Braman Hall Food Pantry

Dad, y se os dará: se pondrá en vuestro seno medida buena, apretada, sacudida y rebosante. Porque con la misma medida que usas, se te volverá a medir ”. Lucas 6:38

Welcome to
Braman Hall

No judgment.
Just a smile.

We're here to help.
Everything is free.


Abierto al público:

Miércoles de 5 a 7 pm

Jueves 1-3 pm


  1. Comidas enlatadas

  2. Comidas congeladas

  3. Alimentos en caja

  4. Comida Fresca

  5. Carnes

  6. Café Té

  7. Otras bebidas

Tienda de comestibles

  1. Toallas de papel

  2. Papel higienico

  3. Pañuelos y servilletas

  4. Artículos de cuidado personal

  5. Suministros de lavandería

  6. Limpiando suministros


A medida que lleguen las donaciones, es posible que tengamos lo siguiente;

  1. Ropa de temporada

  2. Mantas

  3. Platos y utensilios de cocina

  4. Artículos para el hogar

  5. Libros

People often ask about Donations

Cash or checks can be delivered in person and checks can also be mailed.

Do not send cash through the mail.

Checks should be made out to:

Duanesburg Florida Baptist Church

Write "Food Pantry" on the memo line


Mail checks to:

Duanesburg Florida Baptist Church

PO Box 9 

Delanson, NY 12053



Download the app to your phone and follow the instructions. When ready search for DFBC- Duanesburg Florida Baptist Church. Be sure to add "Food Pantry" to "What's it for". Thank you!

Contact: Judith Warner   518-956-1758

What to Donate:

Food: canned, frozen, dry, & fresh

Non-food Items: laundry & dish detergent

Staples that need to be replenished frequently:



Peanut Butter


Canned fruit & vegetables,

Canned/packaged meat products

© 2021 por la Iglesia Bautista de Duanesburg Florida.

Administrador del sitio web: Diane Yuhas

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